23 Year-old, Homeless by choice for the sake of Jesus

Professional photographer and blogger Michael Portugal, is not your average 23 year-old. In fact, he has decided to remain homeless since the summer of 2012 to serve the homeless community by sharing the love of Christ. He raises awareness through his photography.

Portugal was born in Elizabeth, NJ and seven years later moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL where he currently resides. His journey has been spent in over 38 states since being homeless.

(Follow Michael Portugal on Twitter/ Instagram: @portugal777 )

 Through photojournalism, Portugal has experience with a variety of camera equipment but his favorite is a Nikon One Touch- point and shoot. He prefers shooting analog because it captures “raw and to the point photos,” Portugal said. “It isn’t digital pictures creating image, but light exposing an image. That is why I prefer the Nikon One Touch.”

Portugal was able to use photojournalism to speak at multiple churches and inspire people to embrace those who are outcastes.

Currently, Michael Portugal is in the process of having photos published in News Week and News Week Japan.

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“One event in particular was a humbling experience,” Portugal said. Through a local art exhibit in his hometown, Portugal dramatically displayed his photos of the homeless community of Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

According to Portugal, many people who attended the exhibit recognized those that were photographed. “It was cool because the people attending the exhibit actually saw those people who usually go unseen,” Portugal said.

Q & A:

How do you raise awareness for the homeless community? Do you feel that social media, blogging, FB, Twitter, all play roles in what you are doing?

“It’s a huge deal because I am able to have a platform to share what I’m doing to inspire others. I am also able to receive help for myself through social media. People ask if I need anything on my homeless journey. I have been sent hammocks, tents, and even money for food.”

How active were you with your photo blogging?

“I have a photo blog but I struggle with having multiple social media sites because it is a lot of work. I stick to Instagram because a lot of times I wont have Wi-Fi, so I need to post my images fast. Instagram is a blog in a sense because you put text and photos so it is the same thing I would do on Tumblr. I choose Instagram in comparison to Tumblr because my following is much larger.”

What made you decide to leave everything to minister to the homeless?

“Growing up in a Christian home I was always in and out of church. I was constantly learning the ways of Christ and one day got to a point where I wanted to absolutely live out what Jesus was saying. I saw how much Jesus had a heart for the outcast society and I wanted to be the same example that Jesus was back then to the people now.”

What do you have to say to people who view what you are doing, and do not agree with what you believe?

“I hope that people can one day realize that life isn’t about what they perceive as right. There are lots of ways to live and its important to be open minded to what people are doing. If someone wants to live a life of love, let them live their own lives and do what they are doing.”

What has been your favorite part and least favorite part about this journey?

“My favorite part is seeing the teachings of the bible come to life in the homeless community.”

“My least favorite part is seeing people suffer, whether it is addictions, death, or violence on the streets.”

What change have you seen in the peoples lives that you touch because of your ministry?

“People give what they receive, so when I go in and give them love and show them compassion or grace, it compels them to reflect that back to the people they encounter. I have seen people forgive people and try to get clean of addictions because of it.”

Can you ever bounce back into normal society after a journey like this?

“I can adapt and sometimes it takes more time. But I will always have the teachings and lessons I have learned that I can share with others, whether it’s on the job or in the streets.”

How hard is it to make other people see the state of the homeless society? 

“It depends on the person. Some people will look at my images and mock the person in the photo but they are not sensitive to see the beauty or suffering of the human being. But some people will look and see the person and the addiction, and see the person outside the gallery too. So it ultimately depends on the individual.”

Where do you hope to see yourself in the future with photojournalism?

“I just want people to be inspired to go out and meet the beautiful people in the community that have been outcastes. It doesn’t matter if my photos are in News Week magazine or Instagram. I forever want my social media followers to be inspired and challenged to make a change.”

“I want people to be challenged to embrace the people that they have out casted.”

The “I Just Don’t Know” Phase

What are you doing with your life?

I hear this all the time. A lot of the time I have somewhat of an idea of what I am doing with my life and I answer the best I can with the most confidence I can muster. The funny thing is I really do not have it all together. I have no idea what I am doing for the rest of my life, let alone what I want to eat for breakfast tomorrow.

I ultimately hate that question,”What do you want to do with your life?” I know people mean well when they ask, or professors try to make you contemplate your future, which both are not wrong, but it stresses you out if you are a “planner” like myself.

Here’s the thing. Nobody has it figured out. 

Rich people, poor people, old and young people, nobody truly knows exactly where they are headed in life. We have an idea, and we can plan all we want but i guarantee you that plans will change. A family member may pass away, or you will move to a new city for an unexpected job offer, or God may call you to the mission field.

You never really will know what will happen next.

That is stressful. 

But I have news for you. You do not need to know, but to trust. Trust in the One who DOES know what will happen next. He DOES know the best job for you. He DOES have the best spouse for you.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Maybe it isn’t about having it all figured out but rather trusting in a God who does.

Maybe the life that God has picked out for you is better than you could hope and imagine, but you have no idea because it doesn’t quite look so pretty looking from the outside and just maybe God knows you better than you know yourself.

So trust.

Trust that He knows what He is doing, and give him control.

Stop worrying about that business deal. Stop worrying about what your neighbors think of you, or what career will land you that perfect life with that perfect wife. Honestly, it’s all vanity.

Solomon, the son of David and King of Jerusalem at the time wrote, “And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. 14 I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.” Ecclesiastes 1:13-14.

The Hebrew term hebel, translated vanity or vain, refers concretely to a “mist,” “vapor,” or “mere breath,” and metaphorically to something that is fleeting or elusive. 

As people are we really striving after things that are fleeting and elusive? That is so much effort and energy wasted. It would be so much more rewarding to work to fulfill His will for your life. There is such peace in that.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.  9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me — put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.”Philippians 4:6-9.

I am not saying that working for a great job that makes awesome money, and having a hot wife is wrong. Those are great things. But God often puts desires in our hearts for a reason. Just make sure to align them with the gospel and with God’s plan for your life, and you will find unshakable peace. 

A journalist’s call to truth- Gossip is a cop-out.

Many journalists aspire to be truthful in their storytelling, and attempt to cater to the audience by displaying researched and intellectually stimulating stories. In most cases the true journalist will admit to going into journalism to fight for the sake of truth and to provide a voice for the people. It would seem the journalistic community are the monitors of ethics and credibility of matters on every level, to challenge and share what needs to be addressed politically, socially, and on many other platforms. With that responsibility, one cannot be too careful to not slander another by gossiping without factual evidence.

There is a difference between libel and gossip. Libel is most definitely seen as wrong in the writing community, because it is caused from laziness of not researching a topic, purposeful defamation, and much more. Gossip is entirely different. Gossip spreads like wildfire, and sells.

“Most of the news items in gossip columns are attributed to anonymous sources – that’s if they’re attributed at all. As for journalistic purpose, a gossip column is about…rumors and speculation, not exactly the foundation of great journalism” Kelly Mcbride said, writer at the Poynter. It would seem that even though it sells numerous copies (or views) and brings in money by the barrel, the sources are not always reliable. Gossip is not at the heart of journalism, but is a cop out for any who want to make a dollar. Even in a permissible setting of a blog specifically set up as a domain for gossip, gossip is not what a journalist wants to be known for. A gossip writer seems to be the lowest of the low of writing positions and has no moral merit.

“Gossip makes a lot of money. Circulation at US Weekly and People Magazine continues to grow. The consumer appetite for gossip appears to be insatiable.  This never-ending cycle of supply and demand has led to a new, sophisticated dance between celebrities and journalists,” Mcbride said. One should ask why society is hungry for gossip rather than the truth?

Ethically, a Christian journalist should know that gossip is not pleasing to the Lord. Proverbs 20:19 explains, “Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.” This verse explains that people who gossip or slander are to not be associated with. James 1:26 states, “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this persons religion is worthless.” Gossip is a lack of discipline (bridling) of the tongue. A gossiping journalist who does not bridle his tongue seemingly is an individual whose religion is worthless.

William Willimon, professor at Duke University shed light on the topic through his article on ethical activity. “Sally Quinn theorized in the Washington Post that after the Nixon resignation, ‘We were hooked on the heroin of the Watergate scandal and now we needed the methadone of gossip.’ Balzac said that every day in Paris a paper with 100,000 subscribers was produced yet never printed. He was referring to the amazing daily round of gossip.’” These examples show that gossip will never be eliminated. Because gossip will always be prevalent, the need for ethical journalists will grow. As Mcbride would say, ethics do not grow in a vacuum-they are rooted in a community and grow in an individual.

Spring Break-Panama City Beach From a Christian’s Perspective

It is Spring Break 2015 season! Many students are flocking to the beaches for hopes of some sunshine and good times with close friends. I took an adventure to Panama City Beach, FL; which is the spring break capital in the USA. Through the lens of a Christian viewpoint, I discovered a few interesting things.

Located along the Gulf of Mexico, Panama City Beach has a bad reputation for partying and drunken debauchery, but as a Christian I was not afraid to venture to the location. Many times Christians slap the label “bad” on locations like these and shy away from any form of association. If you are a level headed mature adult in your faith with Jesus Christ then an event at PCB will not damn you to hell. Many there need to see Christ because they are either attempting to distract themselves or are more lost than they even know.

I went out to dinner with my friends, I sat on the beach with my toes in the sand, and I enjoyed the memories with my friends. Yes, there were drunk people there, there were absolutely insane people there too. But the whole time I was there one verse stood out to me the most, reoccurring in my mind.

John 17:15-18 “I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”

I was in the middle of a location where many people needed help. I had a blast, and I also ministered to people along the way. I was able to help a girl who was out of it get a cab, I talked to the ones left out, and I loved people. The ultimate calling is to love others as Christ loved you. As a Christian, I challenge you to not be afraid to go into the world and be an example. PCB- I will miss you, and Jesus loves you.